Bubble Universe 3

Charlie Veniotย 21st November 2022 at 3:59pm
' From https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1164&pid=10396#pid10396
' change noted below with a ๐ŸŸ 

' A loose translation of bubble_universe3
' https://github.com/ZXDunny/SpecBAS-Demos/blob/master/Graphics/bubble_universe3
const w = 480, n = 200
dim x
dim y
dim t: t = 9
screen _newimage(480, 480, 32)
    for i=0 to n
    for j=0 to n
        u=sin(i+y) + sin(j/(n*_pi)+x)
        v=cos(i+y) + cos(j/(n*_pi)+x)
        x = u + t
        y = v + t
        pset (u*100+w/2, v*100+w/2),_rgb(i,j,99)
    next j,i
    t = t + .1
_delay 0.0125 '๐ŸŸ  _limit 30